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Everyday Chinese Demo

  There are ten periods in the course of Sports in Chinese and was divided into two parts: vocabulary and grammar. In this course we will learn some useful expressions in Chinese about badminton, ping-pong, basketball, football etc, which are widely loved all over the world and also benefit to foreign students.

  • Liu Yanna
  • Liu Yanna
    Liu Yanna, (English name Cherry)is a master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of ...... Details

Course chapter

  • Lesson 1
    足球 Football
  • Lesson 2
    游泳 Swimming(One)
  • Lesson 3
    游泳 Swimming(Two)
  • Lesson 4
    滑冰 skating(One)
  • Lesson 5
    滑冰 skating(Two)
  • Lesson 7
    登山 Mountaineering(One)
  • Lesson 8
    登山 Mountaineering(Two)
  • Lesson 9
    武术 Martial arts(One)
  • Lesson 10
    武术 Martial arts(Two)
  • Lesson 11
    健身 Fitness(One)
  • Lesson 12
    健身 Fitness(Two)
  • Lesson 14
    篮球 Basketball(One)
  • Lesson 15
    篮球 Basketball(Two)
  • Lesson 16
    乒乓球 Table Tennis(One)
  • Lesson 17
    乒乓球 Table Tennis(Two)
  • Lesson 18
    网球 Tennis(One)
  • Lesson 19
    网球 Tennis(Two)
  • Lesson 20
    羽毛球 Badminton(One)
  • Lesson 21
    羽毛球 Badminton(Two)


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  • Flexibility and Convenience

    Breaking through time and space constraints, you can learn Chinese whenever and wherever you choose with a tailored pace.

  • Expert Faculty

    Our Chinese teachers have rich experience and a good understanding of foreign learners' thinking patterns; they will show you an amazing way of learning Chinese.